hello, i have a bluetooth dongle with 100 metre range or whatever and i cant get it to sync with my o2 XDA II through active sync. but i only want it to do that because it would allow me to connect to the internet through my computer. but i cant get it to work so im wondering if there is a way to set it up so that my pocket pc will be able to access the net through my bluetooth dongle and computer or if there is a program on the net that would allow that. i have already searched google and found nothing.. any help would be much appriciated.. thanks
/!\5908 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes, 6 seconds ago Until Xmas!!/!\
Step 1 Set up a Bluetooth COM port
You can follow these steps on the PC only if you are running Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later. Otherwise, you must use separately obtained Bluetooth software drivers, and use the instructions that come with that software to set up Bluetooth connections.
To set up a Bluetooth connection, do the following:
Open the Bluetooth Devices Control Panel.
On the Options tab, select Turn discovery on and Allow Bluetooth devices to connect to this computer.
On the COM Ports tab, click Add.
Select Incoming (device initiates the connection) and click OK.
Note the number of the COM port that was added. The COM port number must be no higher than 20.
Click OK to close the Bluetooth Devices Control Panel.
Step 2 Set up ActiveSync to use the Bluetooth COM port
In ActiveSync on the PC, on the File menu, click Connection Settings.
Select Allow connections to one of the following.
Choose the COM Port with the number you noted in Step 1 Set up a Bluetooth COM port.
Click OK.
Step 3 Start Bluetooth sync from your device
In ActiveSync on the device, tap Menu, then tap Connect via Bluetooth.
Note Media (music and videos) can be synchronized only by using a cable or cradle connection.
Window Manager is discontinued, for WLM try the new, Enhancer for contact list docking, auto-hide, hide taskbar button, remove button flashing and remember keyboard layout in conversation windows
as far as i know you have to go through activesync unless you have a wireless router to connect wirelesly if the pda supports it.
other than that follow the instructions carefully and it will work, took me some time to figure it out my self...
Window Manager is discontinued, for WLM try the new, Enhancer for contact list docking, auto-hide, hide taskbar button, remove button flashing and remember keyboard layout in conversation windows
the software 'IVT BlueSoleil' wont let the phone connect to activesync. it starts to connect and gets to active sync where is just goes on and on and on and does nothing until it comes up with an error
EDIT: OK! im connected and syncronised with activesync, now how do i get it to connect to the internet through that?
EDIT 2: ok its working. i had to setup a proxy to make it work but that took 30 seconds. thanks for all the help.
This post was edited on 11-11-2006 at 06:36 AM by Pyro.
/!\5908 days, 16 hours, 20 minutes, 6 seconds ago Until Xmas!!/!\