Originally posted by CookieRevised
Normally, and as with many such file dialogs, they open on the last used folder; it is the default Windows thing.
Though, in WLM it seems (can't check atm) that this is hard coded. If it is hard coded it could _maybe_ be patched...
Yes Cookie is right normally they open on the last used folder,but in send file dialog msn call always the api shgetfolderpathw to get the documents folder....it can be patched....you can modify the code here:
006423B2 . 68 04010000 PUSH 104 ; /Arg2 = 00000104
006423B7 . 8D85 E8FDFFFF LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-218] ; |
006423BD . 50 PUSH EAX ; |Arg1
006423BE . E8 EDC30C00 CALL 0070E7B0 ; \msnmsgr.0070E7B0
or in a routine at 0070e7b0........Sorry for my english