Windows XP Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600)
Windows Live Messenger 8.00.0812
Messenger Plus! Live
My Messenger lock shortcut is set to "Ctrl + Space", and is disabled.
When I play GuildWars (
) I use that shortcut (Ctrl + Space) to tell my party who I am attacking.
Sometimes, pressing this will lock messenger, despite the shortcut being disabled, and GW won't receive the shortcut, which means I have to use the mouse...
If I remember correcly, when I minimize GW, and unlock messenger by double clicking the icon, the shortcut works correcly on GW, but I'm too lazy to do this
If I change the lock shortcut this will probably be fixed, but, it is weird that even though the shortcut is disabled, sometimes it is still processed by Messenger Plus!
Haven't checked if this applies outside of GW too...