Offline Protector
Offline Protector initially merged two useful scripts:
IMoffline and
YOU'REoffline. Combined, these two scripts could prevent accidental use of the features in Messenger allowing you to send messages to offline contacts and to send messages whilst appearing offline. Now the functionalities of both scripts are included in just one script and have been extended to work better together and to be more helpful.
The first feature (from IMoffline) allows you to receive a confirmation dialog when you try to send a message to a contact whilst your status is appear offline, and the other feature (from YOU'REoffline) allows you to receive a confirmation dialog when you try to send a message to a contact who is offline or appearing offline.
The settings for both these features are customisable and either or both can be enabled at the same time.
Version 1.0.2
(30 forum downloads + x database downloads)
- It no longer asks you to confirm sending a Plus! command to an offline contact or whilst appearing offline
- The text that you typed is removed whether you chose to send the message or not after the confirmation dialog
- Bug fixed: returned an error when trying to send a message to an offline contact
Version 1.0.0b
(30 forum downloads + approx. 400 database downloads)
- Name changed
Version 1.0.0
(approx. 2 forum downloads)
- First release
Offline Protector (Version 1.0.2)
Please give feedback and report any bugs etc below. Thanks.