Hey hey all, heres an early Christmas present for all you who are on the 25th of December and an early one for those still on the 24th. I'd like to officially announce the launch of my new skin Ev0.
Ev0 is now officially complete and almost ready to pimp up your desktops, but not yet
Ev0 will feature 2 styles: black and white and will then feature 8 sub styles for each style. Basicly its a total of 16 possible colours that you can set up with the new installer ipab has concocted (thanks heaps for that).
2007 will be a major year for the skinning community because alongside the release of Ev0, there will be the launch of a new skinning group that will feature the likes of myself, ipab, stian and many other talented people. Yes guys we are joining forces
excitement. There will be huge things happening here, but more on that in 2007
And now I leave you guys with the teaser. Rest assured this skin is ready and will launch in 2007 (2007 aint a long way away now anyway
Merry Christmas All