I was woundering if there was any way to gain access to my pc with out having to make a disc or download anything from the internet.
My laptop does not have a Disc Burner My PC does and I dont have any floppys, too late to go to the store and I have no transportation disperate to get into my pc tonight is there any other way?
If you use Windows XP home, you should be able to boot to safe mode (F8 before the Windows Loading screen appears during power-up) and log on as Administrator with no password. From there you can go Control Panel -> Users and change your password.
If you use Windows 95/98/ME, boot to DOS mode (F8 before the Loading screen and choose 5) and type DEL c:\windows\<username>.acl . (Where <username> is your username)
That'll erase any Windows 9x password list.
This post was edited on 01-03-2007 at 11:43 AM by andrewdodd13.