Currently invites/requests are not supported for MP!L Scripting events, although you could try using packet sniffing to detect them.
The easiest way of packet sniffing in a script is using the Xniff ActiveX object. You can download the Xniff ActiveX and view some usage examples here:
[Release] Xniff (ActiveX Packet Sniffer) - Examples inside
To detect webcam invites you need to find INVITE messages containing an Application-GUID of 2A23868E-B45F-401d-B8B0-1E16B774A5B7 (according to
Hypothetic but that documentation is old so it may well have changed). If it doesnt work just get someone to send you a webcam request and detect what message you get.
Originally posted by .2007
got to automaticly accept requests
In the prefs panel
Will you please stop just posting to increase your postcount, you make so many useless, off-topic posts.