Could someone provide or write a script that intercepts Windows Messenger's toast notifications and translates them into Windows system tray balloon popups? I don't have the technical knowledge required to do so.
quote:Originally posted by roflmao456
either DLL or EXE can do that
and how... in ANY way does that help him? I remember him saying he doesn't have the knowledge to do it himself.. if anything that just confused him more
it's easy to do, just find the toastwindow, get him text and save into a variable, then kill the toastwindow and make the "Windows system tray balloon popups"
i have not time to do it, I'll try it when I come back
quote:Originally posted by afelipE_scripts
it's easy to do, just find the toastwindow, get him text and save into a variable, then kill the toastwindow and make the "Windows system tray balloon popups"
Do not do it in this very crappy, resource hogging, (and not always working) way...