That's not a smiley, but a media icon. It's not something you can simply add in a message, however you can change your media message by using a SendMessage call with the right message.
All credit for the following code goes to -dt-!
//Modifies the current media, thanks to -dt-!
function setNowPlaying(enabled, type, format, title, artist, album, contentID) {
//Set empty variables
if(typeof(type) == "undefined")type = "Music";
if(typeof(format) == "undefined")format = "";
if(typeof(title) == "undefined")title = "";
if(typeof(artist) == "undefined")artist = "";
if(typeof(album) == "undefined")album = "";
if(typeof(contentID) == "undefined")contentID = "";
enabled = Math.abs(enabled);
var WM_COPYDATA = 0x4A;
var song = Interop.Allocate(512);
//Create the Media string
song.WriteString(0, "\\0" + type + "\\0" + enabled + "\\0" + format +"\\0" + title +"\\0" + artist + "\\0" + album + "\\0" + contentID + "\\0");
//Write our copyDataStruct Structure
var copyDataStruct = Interop.Allocate(12);
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(0, 0x547); //dwData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(4, song.Size); //cbData
copyDataStruct.WriteDWORD(8, song.DataPtr); //lpData
//Send it to all open messengers
var hMSGRUI = 0;
do {
hMSGRUI = Interop.Call("User32", "FindWindowExW", 0, hMSGRUI, "MsnMsgrUIManager", 0);
if(hMSGRUI > 0) {
Interop.Call("User32", "SendMessageW", hMSGRUI, WM_COPYDATA, 0, copyDataStruct);
} while(hMSGRUI != 0);
How to use:
You can set a media message by calling setNowPlaying. The function accepts a lot of parameters, however most of them are optional.
The following example:
setNowPlaying(true, "Music", "Yay! We got some {0}!", "nice messages here");
will make your message look like:
[cololr=blue]Yay! We got some nice messages here![/color]
As you can see, {0} replaces the song title, {1} is the song artist and {2} is the album name. There's also a content ID which is used by Messenger to link you to a page with song information, but all those parameters can be everything you want!
If you only want it to display text, the best thing you can do is placing all the things in the format parameter, because otherwise when you click the link, it'll send you to a song page which is totally wrong of course!
And, to disable the media message, it's even easier: