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Machine to create new universes
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by ichooselife128
so star trek have been wrong the whole time then.... :tongue:
no, not at all, this was explained on a space channel program, the star trek warp drive consept was said to be plausable because of the warp bubble, which is said to "warp" space by shrinking space infront of the bubble and expanding it behind the bubble, thus propelling the bubble forward, and thus the ship inside the bubble, since this is "warping" space around an object instead of moving saide object through space it suggest faster then light travel is still plauseable, but is currently impractical, since said space warping would require the energy of about a billion suns:P

and no i don't have the calculations like John Anderton
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03-03-2007 11:10 AM
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RE: Machine to create new universes
i knew star trek was ahead of its time but wow. =)

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03-03-2007 11:16 AM
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by ichooselife128
i knew star trek was ahead of its time but wow. =)
when you look at star trek , expecaly the original, you can see that lots of the "technology" didn't exist when the show was created, but because of the show, has inspiered the invention of similar devices today, such as the cell phone, inrelation to the original "communicator"

This has been a Star Trek Fact from NiteMare:P

This post was edited on 03-03-2007 at 11:23 AM by NiteMare.
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03-03-2007 11:21 AM
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John Anderton
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by John Anderton
The square root term is something like sqrt(1-v/c)
I'm pretty sure that is not v and c, its v^2 and c^2

And good point made by saral is the time dilation.

Originally posted by saralk
It is impossible to go faster than the speed of light, because there is a thing called time dilation, where the faster you go, the slower time travels (for you personally).
You can also prove that if you travelled at the speed at light (hypothetically) in a straight line, you could start from point A and come back at the same position but by then the universe would have collapsed or something.
cbf to check Stephen Hawking's book right now =p

Originally posted by foaly
The big bang came out of nowhere so by making particles moves as fast as light... (which photons already do by themselfs...) you can never create a similar big bang...
The big bang was created from a singularity. How do you know what caused the singularity? In a universe, for all practical purposes time starts at the big bang because any event before it has no effect on the universe after it. Thus, t=0 refers to the big bang.

Thus you can't say how the singularity causing the universe was caused. All you can say that physical evidence states that the universe was at a singular point once in the past. All the mass concentrated at one point.
This singularity at t=0 underwent an event we call the big bang. That is all that we (or at least I know) as of now :)

Originally posted by NiteMare
and no i don't have the calculations like John Anderton
err? :P
If you mean travelling faster than light, some particles are known to do that for reasons unknown as of now.
As for the warp bubble concept, it actually states something like if we had a protective bubble, we could create warp holes in the fabric of spacetime and go from A to B in a non linear fashion.
Like if you have a paper. Make 2 points A and B on it. What is the shortest way to go from A to B? A straight line between A and B.
But what if you were allowed to bend the paper and join the points together? Shorter distance, ain't it? ;)

That's the concept. I'm sure there is some math done on it but none with any promising practical interest or with math that the laymen would understand :P

This post was edited on 03-03-2007 at 02:57 PM by John Anderton.


03-03-2007 02:52 PM
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by John Anderton
As for the warp bubble concept, it actually states something like if we had a protective bubble, we could create warp holes in the fabric of spacetime and go from A to B in a non linear fashion.
Like if you have a paper. Make 2 points A and B on it. What is the shortest way to go from A to B? A straight line between A and B.
But what if you were allowed to bend the paper and join the points together? Shorter distance, ain't it?
i think this was a different concept then that, what you described sounds more like a wormhole
Originally posted by John Anderton
I'm sure there is some math done on it but none with any promising practical interest or with math that the laymen would understand
yes the guy did have math and all that done but it was a TV show so they weren't going to bored everybody with the huge equations:
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03-03-2007 11:24 PM
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Cute Girl
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RE: Machine to create new universes
ummm. concering the big bang whiped out everything and started the universe... i gota feeling this "big bang" might be big enough to destroy the whole universe XD subsiquently unless we are gonna sacriface outselfs to make another universe i serverely doubt this will happen :D
03-07-2007 07:50 PM
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RE: RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by .OxY
Opinions on this?
get your sources straight :p;)

Originally posted by Vimto
Why cant people just leave things alone :\ Every answer is met with another question. LEAVE THE EARTH ALONE! (a)
Curiosity :D

And thank God for that (that is: depends on point of view and if you like me or not :p), otherwise I might not have been able to post this on this forum because computers maybe didn't existed...

Originally posted by UTI
if there are aliens *which I believe, but not completely*, They must move faster than the speed of light to get here I'm sure...

Assuming that aliens having the same notion of time as us is just as inproper. For all you know the aliens live 5000 years (note: even on earth there are lifeforms which live thousands of years). In that kind of timespan, you don't need to travel faster than light to reach a distant planet. Also, they might as well have a small civilization on board of their ship, which makes that they can travel for generations and generations...., etc...

In that same aspect, maybe we aren't simply interesting enough to even visit this dirtball called Earth. And we are simply left alone because we're way to primitive in their big black spooky eyes.

All in all, there is no reason why they must be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

Originally posted by UTI
Just like with sound... you CANNOT go faster than the speed of sound with a propeller driven aircraft... It's impossible to control it. You can travel faster than sound in it, but not survive it. Same is probably true with light...
It's a bit (fundamentally big actually) different though...

EDIT: Oh and "You can travel faster than sound in it, but not survive it." <= you can't travel faster than sound with it as they don't generate enough power/speed.

Originally posted by Cute Girl
ummm. concering the big bang whiped out everything
that's only theory... Besides, before the big bang there was nothing (one theory says).... To have a new big bang you first need to destroy everything again... theory of multiple big bangs and expanding/contracting universes...

And other hocus pocus like that

Let the scientists do their job they know what they are doing (well, in a sense they don't, heck the experiments :p), we will benefit from it eventually (if goverments , coorperations, millitary don't monopolize/screw it up).

Oh and such a machine is nothing new though. The new thing here is that it is again bigger and better than its predecessors. Search google for CERN ;) (PS: CERN was also the place where the internet as we know it was 'born' btw)

This post was edited on 07-19-2008 at 08:18 PM by CookieRevised.
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03-07-2007 08:06 PM
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by CookieRevised
EDIT: Oh and "You can travel faster than sound in it, but not survive it." <= you can't travel faster than sound with it as they don't generate enough power/speed.

Not when they're flying level, the reason why you can't survive it is because to fly faster than the speed of sound in a propeller driven aircraft, you have togo into a dive... and after you break the sound barrier friction is greatly decreased (if not absent *I can't remember) so there was no way for the pilots to pull out of the dive.

In the movie they told of many lives that were lost trying to break the sound barrier, it was one of the few science movies that caught my attention and held interest.
Originally posted by CookieRevised

Assuming that aliens having the same notion of time as us is just as inproper. For all you know the aliens live 5000 years (note: even on earth there are lifeforms which live thousands of years). In that kind of timespan, you don't need to travel faster than light to reach a distant planet. Also, they might as well have a small civilization on board of their ship, which makes that they can travel for generations and generations...., etc...

In that same aspect, maybe we aren't simply interesting enough to even visit this dirtball called Earth. And we are simply left alone because we're way to primitive in their big black spooky eyes.

All in all, there is no reason why they must be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

You are right... I guess I just never put it into that kind of perspective.... Another way it would be possible is to get technology to put us/them (aliens) into a dormant state until near the destination.
03-07-2007 09:06 PM
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RE: RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by UTI
Originally posted by CookieRevised
EDIT: Oh and "You can travel faster than sound in it, but not survive it." <= you can't travel faster than sound with it as they don't generate enough power/speed.
Not when they're flying level, the reason why you can't survive it is because to fly faster than the speed of sound in a propeller driven aircraft, you have togo into a dive... and after you break the sound barrier friction is greatly decreased (if not absent *I can't remember) so there was no way for the pilots to pull out of the dive.
You're mixing things up here.

You wont be able to dive faster than the speed of sound without aided power because of the air friction. Without the needed power (which must be big, unlike a propellor driven aircraft) you eventually wont go faster.

Without friction, you will fall faster and faster (acceleration would be roughly 9m/s). But with air friction this isn't so, you never would even come close to the speed of sound (without big power to overcome air friction) and the accelartion would be, at one point, 0m/s; you'll fall at the same speed (if you jumped out of the aircraft high enough to reach this point before you hit ground :p).

Important: friction is not decreased when you fall/dive faster than the speed of sound. It will be exactly the same. Sound speed and friction have got nothing todo with eachother.

Originally posted by UTI
In the movie they told of many lives that were lost trying to break the sound barrier, it was one of the few science movies that caught my attention and held interest.
those pilots didn't lost their lives because friction was close to zero (because it wouldn't), it is because they couldn't control their aircraft anymore because of aerodynamics (the didn't have lift anymore; which is related, but still something different than friction) and ran out of distance...

somthing like that... probably can't explain it properly, blah... here is a dutch site: http://www.techna.nl/Kracht%20en%20beweging/valsn...id/valsnelheid.htm :p

This post was edited on 03-07-2007 at 09:34 PM by CookieRevised.
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03-07-2007 09:33 PM
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RE: Machine to create new universes
Originally posted by CookieRevised
those pilots didn't lost their lives because friction was close to zero (because it wouldn't), it is because they couldn't control their aircraft anymore because of aerodynamics (the didn't have lift anymore; which is related, but still something different than friction) and ran out of distance...

Grade 9 science movie... guess I can't expect them to use all the correct terminology... I knew it had something to do with the friction and aerodynamics... Not exactly sure... it was a year ago anyway.
03-07-2007 09:58 PM
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