Originally posted by rock3r
in fact i meant copy&paste on the same pc..
That's what TheGuruSupremacy also is talking about.
It is not easy for a script to detect these codes.
Moreover, a script can only work with the stuff in its own environment. It is a bit hard to explain, but stuff going on outside this environment is very hard to manipulate or even be catched with scripts. Catching copy/paste operations is such a thing...
Such stuff must be done in Plus! itself, and as a matter of fact, it already is included in Plus!, but it seems to be a bit buggy.
For copying text from one convo to the other, it is not possible to maintain formatting in Plus! 4.20.262.
Even turning off: "Plus! > Preferences > Conversations > Main > Enhance text copied to the clipboard (add emoticon codes)" will not solve this as explained
As such, I requested this thread to be moved to the subforum "bug reports"