It's meant to look that way in tray. Those borders should be white, that's the style.
Originally posted by RaceProUK
Originally posted by Eddie
And i think if im not mistaken Skinning is the only way to change the tray icon
Not quite: it's possible to change the icon using the Win32 API. However, to do that you need to perform some form of code injection.
You don't need code injection, you can do it the NOTIFYICONDATA way to edit the tray without any injection at all..
Here is a VB6 sample. It's quite old so I'm not sure it will work, but I hope!
If you don't know programming, resource hacking is the best path to go. You can download Resource Hacker (it's free) from
here. You might have to scroll down the page to get to the download area.
So.. If you got it downloaded, extract it to a temporary area (like C:\Temp\). Close and sign out of Messenger. Open the program, select the File menu and click Open.
Find the directory where you installed Messenger, probably C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\. Open the file called "msgsres.dll". After, a treeview should appear. Click Icon, then right click 51 and choose "Replace Resource". A new window should appear.
Click "Open File with new icon" and select the file. Then click replace. Finally save, and run Messenger again and enjoy!