Hey sorry again but I need to bug you guys one more time about a script problem (I asked about one ages ago before)
I've made this script so far that links up to the Colorize script someone else made, I wanted to be able to use it without having to type /Colorize into every message:
var blnEnabled = false;
function OnGetScriptCommands ()
commands = "<ScriptCommands>";
commands += "<Command>";
commands += "<Name>cstart</Name>";
commands += "<Description>Start Auto Colorize</Description>";
commands += "</Command>";
commands += "<Command>";
commands += "<Name>cstop</Name>";
commands += "<Description>Stop Auto Colorize</Description>";
commands += "</Command>";
commands += "</ScriptCommands>";
return commands;
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, Message){
switch (Message){
case "/cstart":
blnEnabled = true;
return '';
case "/cstop":
blnEnabled = false;
return '';
if (blnEnabled == true){
(Message.substring(0,1) != "/")
return "/colorize "+Message;
return Message;
But once I click apply it doesn't want to work for me, does anyone know where the problem here is and how to fix it? (somewhere in the bottom area because the enabler is something I used in many others)
I would very much appreciate any help given and again I'm sorry for having to bug you for help all over again on my second actual script I'm making >.<
I'm still learning but with some help I should eventually get the hang of it.