Winrar and other
archivers aren't transparent. That is, they can encrypt stuff, but you always need to decrypt them first and expand them before you can do anything with it.
I suspect EBFL wants something transparent, so he can use it like it wasn't there in Windows. Something like dt suggested.
Somebody at Microsoft also once made a tool for this and it works extremely good. It is extremely small and doesn't require to run anything in the background or whatever. It creates an encrypted map on your harddisk. And it works totally transparant. You only need to enter your password the first time you access the folder (and it isn't stored anywhere, but in memory):
I can't remember the name anymore, but I know I linked to it in one of the many threads which already exist on these forums asking for the exact same thing (search search search before po... you know the drill...
EDIT: The program I'm talking about: "My Private Folder", see:
CookieRevised's reply to Password Protect Folder
Also note that you don't need any program to protect some folders/files from curious eyes. You can simply use Windows' own encrypted on private folders of user accounts:
And a small selection of other threads asking for something like this:
Password Protection for Folders?
password protected folders
file encrypting
Password Protect Folder