Please stop making stupid scripts that no one wants
Auto Hey or auto Sup or auto bla because
when you download
Answering machine Plus
and you can do aaalll of that stuff in 1 script
i use it to shutdown my PC or MSN remotely or lock it and stuff from another PC
like receive: /Lock3522
answer: /Lock
3522 is a password so other people can't anoy me by locking my msn
but those are not the only people that make stupid stuff
there is worse
scripts thats totally useless and that don't work
no offense guys but we want scripts wa can USE or that are funny or something you have some use of
and like... blocking prank thingy
people will thing you are made at them because you always block them and they get angry and you 2 have a fight...
its been a long time sins i downloaded another script
please make useful scripts like:
Convo Notifier,
Key Flasher,
Now Playing,
Screenshot sender,
Sign Backin,
CountDown live,
Uneed script, and more...
to all those people
thanks! because they made my WLM MUCH better
tho the other people
please try to make scripts that not is already been made or something that you can already do in another script