What you ask for isn't possible in Messenger Plus! Live because of the very same reasons which were given in your previous request about this:
snorrip3's reply to [REQ] Group/contact popup notification on/off.
Scripts do not have access to change contact names (just as plugins didn't had proper access to it, as explained in that prervious thread).
Originally posted by pedro_cesar
You still have a tool to know who signed in lately. On your main msn window under "Plus" menu you have the "Event Viewer" which lists all the contact's activity since you signed in. And you can order it by "Event Type". I know this is not exactly what u want, but it will help you keep track of the sing ins/outs.
Indeed. The Event Viewer is even a more accurate way (can't be more accurate than that) to know who signed in, etc. With a method where names are temporary colored, you're bound to miss certain sign ins/outs (unless you constantly stare at your full contact list of course
It also will be a bit of a hassle when you could color names like that, because names could already be colored on their own. And thus a contact might have the formatting that you use to indicate sign ins/outs. Also, there is the problem of bad use of tags; it wouldn't be the first time that I come across a nickname with bad formatting tags and thus adding your own tags to it, will result in an even bigger and not working mess...
But this said, I do like the original idea though...