Originally posted by Chris4
Stigmata, I'm concerned about my password being stored unencrypted, is there any possibility you could make it so it's encrypted?
The way I saw it is if people are going to go to the effort of stealing your password, then anyone can easily reverse engineer it from the script source... :/
If you can provide me with a suitable method, then sure I'll add it.
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
I think this site should be able to help if you want to implement encryption into the script... Even though it might double you're file size (but who cares considering scripts are so small anyway?)
If I was going to use those it would mean people would have to enter the password in each time they login... Which personally I don't want to do, and what my testers agreed with.
Originally posted by J.J
I really like the script, but all i keep getting every second is
"You have been logged in to myspace"
It's really annoying
That's weird, unless you keep being signed out of myspace there is no other explanation. It only shows that message once you have been logged in and recieved your friend ID. It only does that once when you have signed in :/
Are you using another myspace account open in a profile or anything??? or is your internet connection bumpy?
Myspace have updated the site again... Will post a new version to the script database in a second.... stupid myspace