As I'm a computer geek, this feels quite embarrasing to admit. Yes, I accidentely accepted a virus transfer on MSN an hour ago
Well, this is not just a problem affecting me in terms of embarrasement, it also affects all my contacts, and eventually their contacts and so on. Viruses spread easy on MSN and then you just sit there, watching the chat windows go crazy all over the screen. Well, it's possible to stop it by CTRL+ALT+DELETE, but then the virus already has spread itself to half a dozen of contacts. If you restart MSN just to change your alias to "Warning I'm infected by a virus, please wear protection to prevent it from spreading", the virus just takes over and makes a new attempt to infect all the contacts.
For that reason I think it would be a great idea to add a small button in MSN which prevents all kind of file transfer, both in and out. So you can start MSN to tell all of your friends about the virus, and even have the main function (chatting) left on, during the virus-removal-procedure.
I don't know whether this is possible or not, or if it sounds interesting for the rest of the community, but one thing I know for sure, is that this will be really helpful during a virus infection. Maybe it sounds really unneccessary to add a whole extra button just for this task. Well tell that to the guys who designs keyboards and adds two unuseful Windows-buttons. Maybe this would be a great improvement of the security for all MSN users around the globe.