Script updated Aug 12.
First major difference you should see is a name change. Reason? Status2HTTP was only the client side version name. In this version, I am also including the server-side scripts. That's right! you too can now host your very own status image! Also note that this version includes the GNU - General Public License. Basically, this means that anyone is free to use or modify this program, but please give credit where credit is due. I am working hard to create a versatile product and service, but I receive no compensation other than satisfaction of a job well done.
So why YASS? I'll let you figure that out for yourself.
In this version:
- Media formatting updates. In previous versions, I was basing the format of media on -dt-'s Music Now Playing script, and had no idea WMP used a different format. It should be compatible with all players now.
- Full image customization, powered by database connectivity. (this took the most work!) Previous versions had all images, fonts, sizes, x-y coordinates hard-coded into the source code. Not anymore. What this means, is that a status image can be fully customized with colour, fonts, images, sizes, locations and everything. Currently, there is no interface to change all these settings, it is done manually through your favourite database administration tool (PMA, anyone?)
- Support for multiple image configurations per user. Want to use both an avatar, and signature, and then something completely different on another site? YASS is for you!
The package contains all necessary files to create a default signature, as currently being used by me. The package is provided as-is, without warranty. I will not be help to setup your own version. However, some basic instructions:
-import the sql file to create the necessary tables, and add a record on each table per user. NOTE: uid and iid do not auto-increment on the image config table, you'll have to put them in manually.
-edit the db_config.php file, and enter your sql server connection information.
-edit the Plus! scripts' source, to point the script towards your web server, and its also a good idea to change the 'default' password at the same time.
Bug reports are always wanted! notice something not quite right? Post it! Even if its just something about someone else's image not appearing quite right, I want to hear about it.
Phew! what a mouthfull! Now, how about being a good samaritan, and go download that file, and test it for me!
Script updated July 31 to what I will call version 0.3. Few changes over previous version.
I have been mighty busy today, and I am pleased to present to you, Status2HTTP
What does it do?
- Sends MSN name, PSM or current media, status in both numeric and text form (yes, that includes personalized status texts!) and display picture to a URL as POST data.
- Sends MSN User ID and a password of your choice (after passing through a MD5 hash) to prevent someone else from submitting data to your script.
Known Issues / Bugs / Limitations
- 0.1 Settings do not save after stopping the script. Reverts to defaults on initialization. This is so the script cannot be used very conveniently on its own during the beta stage. This will be implemented closer to a full release version.
0.1 Personalized status text is not guaranteed to be submitted. As both OnEvent_MyStatusChange and OnEvent_MyNameChange are called at the same time when a personalized status is enabled, the http request for both is a race to the server. If the request from name change reaches the server last, the personalized status text is sent last. Fixed in 0.3
- 0.2 There is no validation for duplicate field names. I haven't tested what would happen if this occurs, but I would suspect that only the field lower in the list would get submitted.
- 0.2
Config window does not open. Caused by my own stupidity with find/replace. Fixed in 0.3
- 0.2 The GUI is ugly. I'm not too concerned about that right now.
- 0.3 If personalized status is stopped by only editing the tag in the screenname, the status text will not be sent as an update.
- 0.3 When starting personalized status, two POST requests are made with duplicate information. The numeric value of the current status is sent twice. Changes in PSM are sent separately, by design.
- 0.3
PSM will not update with current text, only previous text Fixed
- 0.3
Signin and Signout were updating the wrong variables Fixed
To do:
- Obviously, allow settings to be saved.
- Maybe add toasts on submit. I personally don't like a zillion toasts appearing, but I will add it if it gets requested.
- A timer, to automatically update everything, even if no changes have been made? Again, only if there is demand
- A bunch of other secret stuff! Status sigs! Config wizard! And more top-secret stuff not even worthy of hidden text!I wonder how many people found this?
Other information
No, I am not using this script for my own signature yet. I'm restarting it too much to be reliable, and haven't bothered to edit the PHP or MySQL to allow it to work yet. I'm using it now, and it runs very smoothly, at least while I am not editing the code for it...
I encourage people to give it a try, and post any problems or error encountered. Suggestions are always welcome.
The default POST location will need to be changed in the source code of the Plus! script itself to point toward your own URL. Next version will contain settings saving.
The default POST script that the script is sending data to will only echo back submitted data in the debug window. No information is saved after being submitted.
echo '
Submitted POST data:
while (list($key,$value) = each($_POST)){
echo "Key: ".$key . "
Value: ".$value."
$numfiles = 1;
while($_FILES['file' . $numfiles]) {
$findex = 'file' . $numfiles;
$uploadfile = basename($_FILES[$findex]['name']);
echo "File: $uploadfile
Changelog to v0.4:
- Too many to count. See above for basic description.
Changelog to v0.3:
- Made 3 or 4 different methods for data to be submitted on the event calls. Finally found a method that minimizes code duplication, and works relatively simple
- added OnEvent_EnterPersonalizedStatus and OnEvent_LeavePersonalizedStatus function calls
Previous downloads for 0.2: 15
Previous downloads for 0.3: 26
Previous downloads for 0.4: 111
Please see new thread for information about YASS 0.5: