hi there,
can any one help with my messenger probs please,
i,am running live messenger 8.1 on windows xp
i was getting an error code 80072745 so i done a search on here and read the thread below.............
i tried doing the intrutions below to fix it and still cannot sign in to messenger
after trying the intrutions below i,am now getting a error 81000306
can any one help please as the error seems to change to a diffrent error number each time i try to fix the problem..
many thanks if you can help
ps will cheak my email hourly to see if i,ve got any replys
Try this...
This is sometimes caused by the cache left on Internet Explorer. If your internet's working fine, then follow these steps. Otherwise, skip the bullet-points and read below.
* Close MSN Messenger
* Open Internet Explorer. Set it to work offline (File -> Work Offline)
* Close Internet Explorer and reopen it. Now set it to work online (File -> Work Offline [Untick]).
* Open Command Prompt (Start -> Run -> type "cmd" and hit enter)
* Type "ipconfig /flushdns". You should recieve a message that your DNS has been successfully flushed.
* You should now be able to connect to MSN Messenger. Open MSN and see if the problem is fixed. If it is, stop reading!