Originally posted by vikke
Edit: It's not ridiculous, you don't seem to know anything about how scripts work. Some scripts may need to run when Messenger starts to apply their features. The best solution I've come up with is to create a new object for Messenger Plus!, called Registry or something.
er what? I dont know how scripts work? pft whatever, did you even read what i wrote, thats why i said to have two different options "global" or "user", so existing scripts could use global (the option would have to default to this) and new scripts could use "user" if they wanted to have per account options
Originally posted by vikke
Also, you cannot run 2 scripts at the same time with different settings (if it's not programmed that way, some are).
many scripts store their settings in a xml file inside the script directory so they are self contained, but if scripts use the registry they would either have to use the "global" option (which if they didnt specify a <userLevel> then it would automaticly be assumed to be a global script( or add an email key inside their settings and store it under that
the script wouldn't even have to specify an email address, plus could just return the regkey/email in the MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath property (if the userLevel is set to "user")
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Any changes would mean editing all existed scripts wouldn't it?
no, see above