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Chistmas stuff
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RE: Chistmas stuff
what you mean you cried sean? :undecided:
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12-03-2007 07:36 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
Originally posted by tony
what you mean you cried sean? :undecided:

I cried while decorating the house, because this is the last year until I move about 200 miles away from home.
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12-03-2007 07:45 PM
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RE: RE: Chistmas stuff
Originally posted by Tasha
Or maybe be content with having a loving family, a good home and being healthy?
Yep, that's the best gift.
12-03-2007 08:24 PM
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RE: RE: RE: Chistmas stuff
Originally posted by Haz
Originally posted by Tasha
Or maybe be content with having a loving family, a good home and being healthy?
Yep, that's the best gift.
How many people actually mean that though. I bet some of you would be disappointed waking up Christmas morning and not getting anything at all.

I don't even plan on getting up early on Christmas. My little brother will be with his dad and he is the only reason we do Christmas so it looks like I get to sleep in (H)
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12-03-2007 08:53 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
Originally posted by Phillip
Originally posted by Haz
Originally posted by Tasha
Or maybe be content with having a loving family, a good home and being healthy?
Yep, that's the best gift.
How many people actually mean that though. I bet some of you would be disappointed waking up Christmas morning and not getting anything at all.

To be quite honest, I think Christmas is absolutely ridiculous nowadays. It's ALL about the presents for a lot of people, if you don't get a Wii or an Xbox, or at least £500 spent on you, it's a waste. If you can't think of anything you want, maybe you should just be content with what you have, instead of searching around for £100's worth of presents. Isn't the spirit of Christmas in giving, not receiving? Sure, it's really nice to receive presents, but I'd rather have nothing at all and know I was loved, healthy and happy, than get a Wii, and Xbox, and a PS3, knowing my parents only bought it because they feel bad for not loving me enough or whatever.

Yeah, I switched into rant mode there, but seriously, whilst it's nice to receive presents, people go overboard and want, want, want. Like I said, if you can't think of anything you want/need, you should simply be content with what you do have, or do something like Vazza suggested.
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12-03-2007 09:45 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
That's not true Tasha.. Some people just like giving stuff because it's an easier way to express their feelings and make others happy. Just because someone receives an expensive gift for Christmas doesn't mean their parents don't love them or feel bad for not loving them enough. I love spending time with my family in Christmas and I'm looking forward to it a lot. I also love the look of happiness in my cousin's faces when they open their presents. You can get the best of both worlds, and in my family I'm sure we all do. Maybe that's not the case for everyone but I still don't think you should make assumptions like that.

There's some people out there that love giving, my mom is one of those. Giving doesn't necessarily mean giving tangible stuff, but it can. It makes people happy, and with a gift comes more than just a tangible thing, but a person feels like you care about them and you remember them.

I already got my Christmas present, but I know my mom will have a little something (maybe an outfit) for me in Christmas eve.. it's just the detail that counts.

Sometimes things aren't black or white, they can be gray. Though I'm sure your point is correct to some degree, there's tons of kids out there that only care about their presents.. one of my cousins is like that.. and we're trying to teach him otherwise.

I still love you (In a totally amiable and not creepy kind of way :p) though Tasha, since you think my name is cool. <3
Nothing against you really, so please don't take it personally.

Sorry for the long (and probably unorganized and random in some places) post...

PS: This is the longest post I've ever written in this forum.. I feel like spamming :sad:

This post was edited on 12-03-2007 at 10:04 PM by Rolando.
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12-03-2007 09:58 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
Hah, I just want a decent wristwatch, mine died so I never know the time anymore.

I like Christmas cause it's the only time I see both of my families (my mother's and my father's) together, we're a lot.
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12-03-2007 10:02 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
Yeah, my family is comming for about 2 weeks, best season of the year :)

i think ill get a HDTV or something :)
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12-03-2007 10:10 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
I understand what you are saying Rolando, and of course, not everybody and every situation is the same. However, in my experience, online, and offline, most people (children/teens especially) only care for the most expensive gift, they don't mind whether they'll use it for long (most likely it's a few months then "eh, this isn't cool anymore"), or whatever else. It's a bit like a competition between some of them ("oh I got a Wii, it's really cool" "haha! I got a Wii AND an Xbox!").

I know some parents do love their children and want them to be happy, henceforth buying them whatever they want, and this too, annoys me. The more they get, the more they expect. I know that this comes from my own personal situation, but I feel, having had "no" said to me a lot when growing up, I have learnt to look after my things, to appreciate the smaller things, and to not want as much.

I feel this comes across in Christmas with a lot of other people who have had their every whim and fancy catered for, that they cannot realise maybe they should be happy with simply being healthy and loved, and for once, they just want, want, want. Like I said, not every situation is the same, but all the people I go to school with, and a lot of people I've seen online, they can't think "well... my parents love me, all my family and friends are here for me, maybe I should just be happy with that", they're more like: "OHMYGODAWII! MUM I WANT THE WII! I want the Wii! And an Xbox! Don't you love me, Mum? If you really loved me, you'd get me these things." It's like they feel their parents love HAS to be measured in physical gifts.

I hope I make sense. xD Not attacking you either, Rolando. <3 I still think your name is awesome.
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12-03-2007 10:11 PM
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RE: Chistmas stuff
Originally posted by Rolando
I know my mom will have a little something (maybe an outfit) for me in Christmas eve

Dodgy... normally people say girlfriend/wife not mum... </joke...unless it really is dodgy> :P

No one is attacking anyone here I don't think, it's a pretty good discussion so far.

Personally my xmas lists for at least the last 4 years have been 'money to help me towards...'

I did this for my drumkit, my computers, and my camcorder, Sometimes and usually the list is exactly the same at my birthday because I'm still saving up.

This year the list has;
•A Macbook
- Because I'm kinda getting to the stage where I need a laptop now and with a macbook I could get all my light/portable/on-site work done on either osx or windows and shouldn't have any trouble

•Black Magic Intensity HDMI Card
- To Make full use of my camcorder to create HD stop-motion animations easier, more effective and generally better as I can use software enhancements eg onion skin and previewing, currently I can only take photos and hope for the best.

•StopMotionMaker HDMI
- To go with above card, but I'd trial it first, if I got the above mentioned card

•Humanoid Animation Armature (not on list, but money would go towards)
- Fairly obvious reasons if you know me, it'd be handy for Uni and any projects I might have (by the way I put the dog down, I saved his head, the armature needs a complete strip-down and clean before I use it again)

Then smaller stuff I've asked for is mainly things I'd like for the house or stuff I've yet to track down.

•'George Foreman Style' Grill with removable plates
- Just one small enough for me/my kitchen, not one of the newer huge ones

•Nice Looking Wall Clocks
- I'd like one to go in my room and lounge

•Artwork on Canvas
- Brodies Law artwork is what I'm currently thinking of, the back tattoo one but probably some others would be better for downstairs, just to add some life to the building

• Back to The Future DVD Boxset
- always just sold out/not in stock for the past year. GREAT SCOTT!

•DVD Rack
- Probably going to make one myself to fill the space where the fireplace was originally

•2 front teeth.......(nah, joke)



•Help on the house

Shaun The Sheep isn't out in series form yet, only a few episodes on a DVD.
I couldn't think of any films or music that I want
The only game would possibly be Talkman Euro (European Languages + Japanese) as I'd like to learn German and Japanese

But I've pretty much got all the stuff I need, and I'm happy to spend time with family, I had a really good xmas day last year just sitting around with Dad and Carole (who are about to be married by the way ;)) and my dog Lara, had some food and light drinking, I also love to give presents and genuinely feel appreciated, I also like to make my presents for family more personal, so Dad and Carole had theirs on Friday, I took them to see Bill Bailey at Wembley Arena, for their birthdays I took them to see Avenue Q in London, etc.

Hopefully I'll have a good one this year, will just be me and my grandparents and Lara as those other 2 are still off on their wedding holiday as of tomorrow (the 4th) 8-) :P

Not really had many good xmas' since my mum left or my back problems surfaced, but if there is anything about xmas these days, you've just got to stay thankful for what you do have left

Hope I didn't bring the mood down :)

This post was edited on 12-11-2008 at 03:39 PM by aNILEator.
12-03-2007 11:41 PM
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