yes i did. The problem started with 8.5 thanks, as i indicated in previous posts.
now, further to my attempts to get it running i notice two things
A) it only works again when I uninstall it, scrub my registry and reinstall it
and that B) it causes a slight conflict with the skin - it seems to want to put an extra "frame" which appears as transprarent at the top. This contains the information such as the main title and in the conversation boxes the "jamie - conversation" - i notice that when tabbed chats open, the information for "jamie - conversation" and someone else will overlap (presumably because there's no background information in the frame).
This takes effect until I exit msn messenger and the start it up again. The Plus! ceases to work once more.
Enclosed is what's going on whilst Plus! IS working - remember if i exit the program or restart my system it will cease to work. (and the phantom text at the top vanishes when its not working).
Here is the registry error that crops up and i have to clean before plus! will work (not that i had to install plus! twice each time).
Here is the panel with the ghost text at the top
and here it is with two tabs open
Does this shed any light on the matter?
Never mind - i fixed it myself.
Its a serious compatibility problem between Windowblinds 6 on Vista and WLMP! 4.50 (and previous versions).
Though i know not why - but you might want to warn other windowblinds 6 users on vista.