Hi there,
as it often happens shortly a major release: an update of your favorite Messenger add-on has just been posted (build 312) and is now available for download. This update includes the latest translation files for Messenger Plus! as well as a couple of small fixes based on the early reports I received. Overall, it’s been a very positive week, everybody seems to enjoy the new version and the Skinning section on the forum is rapidly becoming very popular.
Most of you will get notified about this new Messenger Plus! release via auto-update during next week. Meanwhile, the web site is still being polished and its many translations will start coming back before the end of the year. I’m sure you’ll all have more exicting things to do in the next couple of weeks than checking for updates on msgpluslive.net anyway. Messenger Plus! Live 4.50.312 will be the last version published in 2007 so get it, enjoy chatting with your friends and eat all the chocolates you can! Christmas is here!