1. I did send the email as explained in the page, but it was ignored, hell, i even tried to ask what's going on, but nobody answered.
2. Yeah, the machine i am running eMule on is not stable, the CPU overheats and windows restarts several times a day, thats why i asked whether someone can host this file, anyway, i wasnt aware i can attach files here, and now it is attached
3. You wont be able to understand easily how how achieved this feature unless you dissabsemble the supplied DLL, but in general, I hook into Messenger's send/recv socket calls and keep a track of user's font type info in as messages arrive, when messenger sends the message i type with usay, my hook replaces the type setting with the user's type setting. So, there are few limitations:
a. i can figure out the font info only after i receive at least 1 message from a user
b. i wont see the contact font in MY window (but he will see it) - since i hook into the socket call rather than into the SendMessage call (when you press enter)
c. very long messages (over about 1600 chars - as the MSN protocol limits) might have some problems if the font type string the immitated person have is larger than the font type string the user using usay have...i could have split the message to two if i wanted, but i was too lazy, who writes such long messages anyway?