confirmed: quicktext /me issue (and indeed the default /slap does work though)
not confirmed: smileys
The reason why the default /slap works, is because it includes a tag: (!N). If you include tags (no matter what tags, eg: (!VER)) then the /me command is processed properly.....
NOTE: Goes for other tags which needs special handling too (eg: /sound); the command and parameter are shown as literal plain text if you type the shortcuts for the quicktext instead of selecting them.
It appears something severly broke in the parsing of quick texts and the special characters identifying the command aren't send anymore....
When we send a quicktext (without a tag in the body) by typing in the shortcut, the protocol message being send is:
MSG 69 N 188 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Ty
<...snip...> O=40; CS=0; PF=22
/me tests if quicktext without a tag is parsed properly
When we send a quicktext (without a tag in the body) by selecting it from the QT menu, or a quicktext including a tag in its body, the protocol message being send is:
MSG 70 N 188 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Ty
<...snip...> O=40; CS=0; PF=22
«I tests if quicktext without a tag is parsed properly
Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600)
Windows Live Messenger 8.5.1018
Messenger Plus! Live