O.P. [Request] 2 requests
I have two requests, and I dont know if these have been requested, have been done, or are even possible - but here it is anyways.
number 1:
I was wondering if anybody could possibly find a way to make it so that - apart from being able to sort contacts by either JUST groups or JUST by their status - you could sort it into groups and statuses too?
So for example, it could be something like this:
V Group One (2/3)
> Online (2)
V Offline (1)
> Group two(0/13)
> etc...(?/?)
(The V and > are used to show the direction of the arrow, showing if the group is opened or not)
I know this is a strange request, but I just prefer things being very well organized in my contact list, though it isnt necessary.
number 2:
I was wondering if there was a script for nicknames on msn? I know you can set nicknames to people already, but is there a way to set a nickname so that it only appears that way in the contact list - but in a conversation window you can see their names instead? I just want it to have the contact list alphebetised and easily navigatable, instead of having to try to sort through annoyingly long nicknames like my friends have - but i also want to still be able to see what they have as their name from time-to-time.
If anybody could possibly make these for me, or knows of something that already does what i asked that I could be directed to, I would really appreciate it. If not, it was worth a shot asking for it.
Thanks in advance to anyone who responds,
PS - I wasnt sure if this would be done with skinning, or with scripts - but I thought scripts might be the better bet.