Originally posted by Andylongi
Does anyone know why Patchou is hide for such a long time, must be around 2 weeks now i think!?
Just for your info: Windows Live Messenger 2009 RC has been published on December 15, 2008, some 3 weeks ago. Patchou has SMS'd several people I know for New Year, so he's still alive. Furthermore he's quite busy with several things at the moment, things of which you guys will be made aware the sooner or later (up to Patchou when that is). So, as I personally haven't heard anything from Patchou in regards to Messenger Plus! with Windows Live Messenger 2009 RC (14.0.8050.1202), we will have to show patience for him. Also, getting compatibility with this version is somewhat more complicated in regards to skinning, as Microsoft introduced a new internal, binary, resource format (UIB) and has removed the old parser for XML/CSS-alike window definitions/styles. Several people
are getting behind the magics of this format, and this does include Patchou.