Originally posted by Genesis Genome
According to the documentation, the timer is only created once when called and is destroyed after completion, so I don't understand your problem with the timer never going away.
It is created only when a matching word is found, and deletes itself 5 seconds later.
I never said the timer will never go away though. I said the timer will still be running when you log off (for whatever reason, it doesn't need to be explicitly be done by you) if the delay hasn't passed yet.
Also, a lot of stuff can happen in those 5 seconds. Stuff which you don't always have control over. Thus including but not limited to the user logging out _and_ the user sending another message.
Note that by logging out I mean eveything that involves the user logging out, thus this also means sudden and quick disconnections and reconnections and other network hickups which might/will occur.
This is something you _must_ take in account when working with timers or you _will_ have problems.
Originally posted by Genesis Genome
and the problem with changing dps to fast and overwriting the original I am well aware of, however even if I don't say anything at all, it will still sometimes switch back. so I know this is not the problem either.
Sorry, but it
IS one of the problems you WILL encounter. Maybe not now, but later on for sure.
If it happens when you don't say anything at all then that can be caused by
ANOTHER problem which was also explained before and which you apparently are aware of: there is a limit on how many times in a certain amount of time you can change the DP.
Then there is also yet
ANOTHER problem which involves roaming. This might occur if you have selected the option "Always keep my DP the same nomatter where I sign in". The servers might not be able to update the DP serverside quickly enough (because of the limit) and detect that there was a DP change and thus send the one they do have back (which was actually your temporary one).
Originally posted by Genesis Genome
Well, considering the chances of me sending a message that triggers the timer,logging out and logging into a second account I don't have, all within 5 seconds, the issue isn't on the top of my todo list.
Which should be though! There are a lot more situations than you explicitly logging in and out in 5 seconds time. Moreover, the fixes are extremely basic, small and very easy. Not some complex stuff you need to take your time for to implement.
Originally posted by Genesis Genome
It seems like its just the server rejecting my changes after all, which is what I always suspected.
Together with the rest of the stuff which was explained. It is not just the server rejecting your changes.
I'm sorry to sound a bit grumpy here, but you came here seeking info/advise/help. We gave the exact info you needed and I gave the exact steps which you must do to fix everything there is to fix for as far as you can fix it (you can't fix the problem of the DP change limit as that is serverside). Besides, they are only a few lines of codes (like 4 lines maybe at the most), nothing complex at all.
Simply ignoring these simple but mandatory recommendations to make such script bug free as much as you can, and suggesting that the fixes we suggest are not important, or that we may even be wrong maybe, seems a bit strange to me when you come here to seek some help or advise (and a waste of time from the helpers too if you simply ignore their comments).
Nice idea for a script though...
But as said before also: such scripts will unfortunatly never be able to work properly because of the said limitations. But that does not mean you shouldn't fix the potential problems you already have now, with or without that serverside limitation.
So, adding another timer will NOT fix those other problems I talked about. In fact, it will make things worse and more complex (but not impossible) to cope with. Your choice of course...