Originally posted by helenaseta
alguem pode me ajudar instalei o novo msn 9.0 e o live so que ao digitar na caixa de mensagens eu nao consigo visualizar o que estou escrevendo sometnte apos o envio. O q fazer? adicione ursademel@hotmail.com
She (?) said she's having that "I can't see what i'm typing" problem...
Originally posted by Voldemort
2) posting that is useless, as he probably doesn't speak english
You're right =P
A lot of people by here go to orkut.com looking for help, others just google around, and when they can't find the answear, just google for "messenger plus forum" and it leads to here =)
And yeah... The right is: PM the person to ask if she/he wants help with translation. You can't just severely tell them they're wrong in a lanuage they don't understand, will have no results, and they can even go mad with you, and then things go way too bad =P
Back to the problem, first in
helenaseta, ninguém sabe direito de onde esse problema veio, só que muita gente tá tendo ele... =/ Até agora, você pode tentar desisnatalar completamente o Messenger Plus! e o Live Messenger, e então reinstalar. Se não der certo, so me mande um email e tentarei te ajudar! =) [blessedguys@gmail.com]
helenaseta, nobody knows exactly what's causing it, only that loads of people are having this same problem. =/ Up to now, you can try uninstalling Messenger Plus! and Live Messenger, and then reinstall them. If it doesn't help, send me a mail and I'll do what I can. =)