Originally posted by Moh Zayadi
If you want to downgrade to 8.5 use ZapMessenger and then install 8.5 from here.
You should have provided a bit more info, and besides, your link doesn't even work.
Baffled_, note that WLM 2009 is newer than 8.5 - sure, if you want a specific skin which only works with 8.5 then your only option is to downgrade, but there aren't really any new skins being developed for that version, and eventually 8.5 users will be forced to upgrade to 2009. If you want to downgrade, first use
ZapMessenger which Moh Zayadi mentioned to uninstall WLM 2009 and then
download WLM 8.5.
There are many skins available for WLM 2009,
here is a list of the newest skins, and you'll notice that skins for WLM 2009 say that they are compatible with "2009".