Originally posted by Willz
Originally posted by blessedguy
Originally posted by Willz
Too many variables to deal with and would be a pain to update for every new build of Messenger. Somehow I don't think Patchou would invest the time in something like this with other stuff that could be done.
Thought the same =P
But wouldn't it be possible to reload messenger resources without the need to login?
Only closing the window, for example.
(Like if you are editing the ConvoWindow, so you would activate a "test mode" in your skininfo and Plus! would load that window's resources everytime it is opened...)
I've talked to Patch about quick reloading a skin in the past and he has said that there are issues and that not all resources can be reloaded that way. I'm not sure how it would even work with UIB in the picture now.
Well, I think it is certainly worth the try. Messenger can - of course - skin itself. Messenger isn't just a .exe, but it's also a load of .dll's. If the important dll's can be used by Plus!, and if necessary even a stripped down msnmsgr.exe, then it wouldn't be that hard for coders, would it?