thanks :D
I tried to change the color the way u mentioned.. didn't work and xmlspy reported an error .. so i followed how it's done in the official documentation (insert the RGB values as attributes ..and it worked= no errors reported.. but it didn't change the color of messenger =(
scene element didn't work neither...
when i saved my skininfo last.. there were no errors.. but still nothing the buddylist didn't work neither..
in the trace file:
09/04/15 20:40:01| SkinLoader: couldn't encode data for window 1001
09/04/15 20:40:01| Attribute pair is invalid. Line (def): 68. Column: 48
now the trace file says:
09/04/16 01:17:35| **** The trace has started ****
09/04/16 01:17:35| Skin: fromStart 0.0
09/04/16 01:17:35| Messenger version: (en-us)
09/04/16 01:17:35| Messenger Plus! version: 4.81.358
09/04/16 01:17:35| SkinLoader: Couldn't find file "1001.txt"
09/04/16 01:22:25| **** The trace has ended ****
xml code:
<SkinInfo xmlns="urn:msgplus:skins"
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:msgplus:skins PlusSkins.xsd" Version="4">
<Description>Skin for WLM2009</Description>
<AboutUrl>insert url</AboutUrl>
<MsgVersion Major="14" Minor="0"/>
<ResetUserColor R="225" G="0" B="0"/>
<Version Major="14" Minor="0"/>
<Color Id="59999">
<Picture Id="59000">
<String Id="61288">Hello World!</String>
<Color Id="1820">
<Definition Id="1001">
<Picture Id="664" >
<Picture Id="1472">
<Picture Id="628">
<Picture Id="20129">
<Picture Id="20632">
<Picture Id="20673">
<Picture Id="20691">