Originally posted by Jarrod
It helps if you explain it a bit as it is certainly not clear what that link has todo with anything here....
And you need to look at the presentation video for like 15 minutes to get a clue why you linked to it
For those who don't know what Google Wave is, Google Wave is a new way of communicating. It is like a mix between an email, forum, private chat, IM, blog, wiki and live meeting*. One of the things it does is that you'll see what the other 'contact' is typing while he or she is typing it, and that's the only 'link' to the original request by mlnnyy.
But, Jarrod, so do some other types of IM, so you might as well link to them too instead of linking to just one in particular.
But mlnnyy requested a script so he can see what his contact is typing in _Windows Live Messenger_, not in another IM.
mlnnyy, as said before, Windows Live Messenger does not send the message to the contact until you press enter. It does not send the typed characters one by one as they are being typed. As such, it is impossible for Windows Live Messenger to do what you requested.
There are ways, but they always involve the installation of an advanced tool/script/addon on _both_ the computers of the sender and the reciever. In fact, every single piece of software or online tool which allows you to see what the other is typing has this system build-in and thus makes it available on both ends of the communication. In addition, both parties know this will happen. With Windows Live Messenger, everybody knows the other party can't see what you're typing. And that is where privacy issues come into play. If you can see what your contact is typing without that contact knowing it, it might invade their privacy.
So, since Windows Live Messenger does not have that build in, you need to add it (again, on _both_ sides).
Now, the way Windows Live Messenger and its protocol works makes it that making such an addon, and always letting it work, is very hard. And in some cases, it will be almost impossible to let it work since you can't always make a direct connection to your contact without using Messenger's servers.
So, if you realy want to see what your contact is typing in real live, then you, and all your contacts(!), should switch to another instant message service and program which allows this.
* It does a _lot_ more of course, and is extremely powerful. I realy do recommend to see the whole 1:20 hour presentation though!!!! Google strikes again I must say...
EDIT: don't want to waste a new post for this:
Jarrod, Okies, but the post title contains the word "script", his post contains "script" and the overall context of his message was also clear about what 'program' he was talking about

And Google Wave is still, and will be for a while, in beta. So simply linking to it isnt very helpfull, imho, at this moment.