Originally posted by fanatick
When i desactive it , the script stay "enable" in windows registry
You need to refresh the registry window.
Originally posted by fanatick
and iin C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts , when i create a new folder and dezipp the .plsc , and after i go to windows registry the folder dosnt exist
Of course not. Simply unzipping the PLSC is not the same as installing the script via Messenger Plus!. Messenger Plus! does a lot more things than simply making a new script folder. eg: creating a registry entry for that script.
Originally posted by fanatick
and when i create a new Dword, and i wrote 1 , it don't work.
Because Plus! does not check the registry all the time. It only checks the registry for those flags when it is instructed to do so. eg: when you reload/restart a script, when you enable/disable it from the Preferences Window, when Messenger starts. So, simply changing the registry value does not tell Plus! to read that new registry value.
It seems you're making things a bit complicated and/or that you don't quite understand what the regisrty is or does.
Plus! already installs and activates the script when you double click on the PLSC (the script pack) file. So what is the exact reason why you need to make you own installer, apparently without the basic knowledge (eg: workings of the registry) you need to know to program one?
Remember that installing a script, in the PROPER way, is not simply unzipping the PLSC file and setting some registry flag. It also involves stopping and disabling the existing script, registering DLLs if there are any defined in the ScriptInfo.xml file. And it also involves instructing Messenger Plus! to reload the scripts.
All this could be done by some program you make yourself, sure, but all this is already done by MPTOOLS.EXE anyways. So why would you want to make another program which does the exact same thing?
PS: If you don't want to double click and want to automate the install process a bit, than simply use this command line:
MPTools.exe /ImportScript="path/filename of the script package"
This is the exact command line which is executed in Windows when you double click a PLSC script package.