<Daninou> Hey guys
<Daninou> im here because of a problem im having with the messenger plus live and i'd appreciate it if i could get some help
<Daninou> its mainly the problem of importing scripts.. and no matter which script i try to import it always says "script imported but failed to start" and its been giving me this same error message for every script on this website that i've tried so far
<Daninou> and i've read various threads about it and i have my active X enabled and also dont have smiley central or SweetIM installed
<Daninou> and i uninstalled and reinstalled both windows live messenger and messenger plus several times
<Daninou> but i keep getting this same error "script imported but failed to start"
<Daninou> ps: i also have the very latest of both windows live messenger and messenger plus live
im on windows vista Home premium Service pack 1
my windows live version is: 14.0.8064.206
my messenger plus live version is:
looking forward to some helpful replies thanks in advance!
i ran the commandline prompt as an administrator and then typed in both
regsvr32 jscript.dll
and another regsvr32 command.. i dont remember what it was.. but i think it was also related to the jscript.dll
edit: i checked the link that moh gave me but i couldnt install "Windows Script 5.7 for Windows XP" it didnt let me and gave me an error and probably got this error because i am on vista.
This post was edited on 07-26-2009 at 02:40 PM by Daninou.
Solution for "The script has been imported but failed to start." errors:
Close WLM.
on Windows XP:
Download and install Windows Script 5.7 for Windows XP.
If the error persists, open a command prompt* and type "regsvr32 jscript.dll" (without quotes)
(You should see a pop-up saying "DllRegisterServer in jscript.dll succeeded.")
*Opening a command prompt in Windows XP:
Click on the Start menu button.
Click on "Run..."
Type "cmd" (without quotes) in the Run window and press OK.
on Windows Vista/7:
Windows Vista/7 already has Windows Script installed by default.
To fix the error, open a command prompt as administrator* and type "regsvr32 jscript.dll" (without quotes)
(You should see a pop-up saying "DllRegisterServer in jscript.dll succeeded.")
*Opening a command prompt with administrator privileges in Windows Vista:
Click on the Vista Start menu button.
In the search box, type in "Cmd" (without the quotes).
Right click on the "Command Prompt" entry in the search result.
In the right click menu, click on "Run as Administrator"
Now start WLM, sign in. The script should now be enabled and listed under Installed Scripts in the Scripts Preferences. (if not, import the script again)
quote:Originally posted by CookieRevised
How? Did you install "Windows Script 5.7 for Windows XP" (with the indirect link provided by Moh)?
The solution has been posted around the forum, but afaik hasn't been added to a sticky or important.php and thus isn't as easy to find.
quote:Originally posted by CookieRevised
How? Did you install "Windows Script 5.7 for Windows XP" (with the indirect link provided by Moh)?
The solution has been posted around the forum, but hasn't been added to a sticky or important.php yet, afaik.
I know, but I wanted to know how the OP fixed it as he posted directly under Moh's post suggesting to install "Script 5.7 for XP" saying it was fixed now. Which didn't made much sense as the OP is on VISTA. Hence my question.
This post was edited on 07-28-2009 at 03:01 PM by CookieRevised.