I don't recommend using theLaunch anymore. It still has issues with the Predefined Launcher (the window where you select which accounts to open.)
The good news is that you can use a newer (less buggy
) version called theLaunch Lite.
However, today I solved the false vs null issue in theLaunch. I, too, believe I fixed that a long time ago.
The probable cause is that I used to have a folder full of different past, present, future versions, and somehow I misplaced the fixed version, and carried the non-fix until today.
A few weeks ago I re-uploaded the packages, but today I realized the files were encoded incorrectly, and thus, the Interfaces.xml file (the pretty (important) windows) was not being read/accepted by Plus! *sigh*
Today I double-checked, and now all files should be correctly encoded.
I don't use WLM as much as I used to (or at all), so I have to rely on reports, in order to re-install WLM, re-download the scripts, and try to replicate issues. I rather look at LOLcats.
Anyway, thanks a lot for reporting. Check out the website in my profile, which is where all updates are located.