Hi all,
A lot of you may know I haven't been on the forums much for a while, and I've just realised how much 'spam' there is now compared to back then. Just looking in the General Chit Chat forum I see mostly moved/locked threads. For example, why is talking about '
oliebollen' - although I don't really know what they are (
) - considered spam? Why are threads about DJMystic now being moved and locked away, as if he's not to be talked about?
No offence, but I think people here really need to rethink the spam rules. General Chit Chat is just that, it's chat, and threads are constantly being closed, such as the
oliebollen one. Why is this?
And if I'm wrong, can I get a detailed list of the spam rules please? Don't point me to the forum rules, please, they're crap.
(Edit: spelling correction, thanks