Hi everybody!
I've created a script called RemoteController.
Whith this script you can control your messenger from a secondary account.
Imagine you leave your messenger connected at home and go to see a friend
then you may want to talk to any of your contacts without adding them to
your friend's messenger neither connect from a diferent location, so that's
the solution: before you leave home, start remotecontroller script, and
add your secondary account as authorized (this must be done just once) and
wherever you are you can talk to your home messenger thus:
updated with some new fatures and others improved
!listonline -> to get the list of Online contacts:
<email - (status) - nick // PSM> those last 2 truncated to 20 chars
!listdetails <sth@mail.com> -> to get the full nick and PSM
!rmt <sth@mail.com> -> to get your remote messenger linked to <sth@mail.com>
!rmtclose -> to get unlinked from that contact
!addTrust <sth@mail.com> -> to add that mail to the authorised list
!help -> to see help message
!nick <nick> -> set nick
!psm <psm> -> set psm to <psm>
!stat <n> -> set status (3:'online'; 4:'busy'; 5:'BRB'; 7:'Away'; 8:'In a Call'; 9:'Out to Lunch' )
!getAll -> get all messages sent to you main account while connected
!noGetAll -> get all messages while connected
!DP -> set your DP to the one from your secondary mail
!off <t> -> set status to 'Appear Offline' for <t> seconds or <t>m / <t>h for <t> minutes / hours
##<text> -> send <text> without parsing commands
Once you've linked, all messeges sent by you to your home messenger, will be
resent to the contact you choose, And viceversa.You can get all messages sent by any
other contacts by typing '!getAll' whith their name at the begining of each
one or stop that by '!noGetAll'. You can also change your nick as well as
your PSM. And even change your Display Picture to the one you've set in your secondary account. Moreover your status can be changed remotelly even to appear offline for a while you decide, for example
!off 10m will set appear offline for 10 minutes whereas
!off 1h will make that just for one hour. (Remember maximum time is one day, 24hours)
Future features:
* change your Display Picture
* change your Personal Message
* Appear offline for a while you choose and get online again
* Improve security
* Nubering contacts in order to swicth from one to other easily instead of typing email each time
* Add a command to see opened chats and ability to switch easily
* any suggestion?
Any comments or suggestions will be allowed!
Hope you like it!