I don't know of any program that can do it, but there might be one out there...
One thing you can do is open notepad, type this in:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name=".NET Messenger Service">
<contact type="1">1st contact email address</contact>
<contact type="1">2nd contact email address</contact>
<contact type="1">etc....</contact>
But insert your contacts names in. You'd have to do it for all your contacts aswell
Then go to Save As... (and make sure it saves it as 'All File Types') then save it as
Then go to your contact list select Contacts - Import Instant Messaging Contacts... and open contacts.ctt.
It should work, but theres probably a much simpler and quicker way out there, so you might wanna wait a little while incase someone posts and easier way