Well, I don't know if Patchou was about to create a thread or such, or if anyone was entitled to that, but I just got home at 2:20, and decided I'd give you all a bit of a short version of what has been the fantasia 2007, aka Plus! Montreal meeting!
So everything started up with all of us meeting at the Concordia Grand Hall (which was the movie theater) now I had some problems finding the place with my friends, but apparently, we were just being retarded.
The movie was scheduled to start at 7h15 PM, another proof that theory and practice mode are different. The movie didn't start before 7h45, and the 30 minutes that we spent waiting were outside, under a semi-raining day, standing up.
Finally, we get in to what I consider being one of the biggest movies room I ever been into. (Okay, the Forum one might have been bigger, but still.) Now there was some talking about the whole fantasia event (thanks for being there, thanks to the sponsors.. etc.) And the movie finally started, after an impressive Ubisoft game preview named something with assasins.
Now the movie was in itself good. A lot of action, a bit hard to follow since all the characters do look a bit alike, and the names are not the easiest to remember. I think what I liked the most was the humour in the movie, which made it pretty funny.
Now the funniest part though is when they stopped the movie, and kicked us all out of the theater, at what we thought was the final scene (aka good guy vs bad guy fight).
At first I looked to my friend and asked him if it was a joke, thinking how the hell could they just stop the movie like that?! Apparently, it was not. We all got kicked out of not only the big screening room, but the entire building.
It's about 15 minutes later, waiting for them to let us back in that we realized that the whole thing was actually a bomb alert problem. Pretty funny to notice afterwards the huge amount of time we took to get out, and the very small distance we stood outside the theater. To short things up : if there was really a bomb, we would've all died.
By the way, the theories of the bombs made up by plussers! :
a) Patchou didn't have enough funds for the sponsoring, so the crowd only got so much of the movie.
b) People who's movie would be delayed decided to end our watching session earlier.
c) Well.. Bin ladin didn't find the movie really good.
So after getting to not see the end of the movies, we all hit to the Scores (restaurant) and we all ordered some nice food. On the menu was a lot of questions to Patchou, which a few answers were pretty pleasant to hear.
Now I don't know if I'm actually allowed mentioning what I heard about the next messenger plus! version's features, but I will only say that it is pretty good!
So that was about the night, after getting kicked out of Scores (actually, we got out, but the waitress eyes meant for us to leave. =P) me, sam, his dad, and 3 others guys which name I can't remember went to the arcades, where me and sam got attacked by huge spiders and bees!
So yeah, that was about the night. I totally forgot to take pictures, but I'm sure someone will post theirs soon enough.
Bottom line :
That was a nice night, I'm sure will be present at other Montreal meetings!
That being said, goodnight everyone ( I have a 12 hours shift in.. about 6 hours and a half.

Thanks for everything Patchou!
Oh and Sam, I got 884 high score.