Me - Roll your initiative, remember to include your dexterity modifier. You - /me rolls a 121d61 + 1231 :4 4 1+4 31 = 4 7 Me - /me rolls privately a 121d61 :4 4 Me - Ok you rolled higher, the monster loses initiative. You attack first, be sure to add your strength modifier. You - /me rolls a 121d201 + 1221 :4 16 1+4 11 = 4 18 Me - You hit the monster, roll your damage. You - I'm using a +1 Long Sword, strength damage modifier + 2. You - /me rolls a 121d81 + 1231 :4 6 1+4 31 = 4 9 Me - The monster is wounded and now gets to attack, it uses two clawed hands. Me - /me rolls a 121d201 :4 15 Me - /me rolls a 121d201 :4 8 Me - One claw hits. Me - /me rolls a 121d41 :4 4 Me - You take 4 pts of damage. You - Alright, subtracted it from my character sheet. Me - Now make a saving throw versus poison... heh heh... You - NOOOOO... You - /me rolls a 121d201 :4 2 Me - You failed, you are now inflicted with poison, you will take 1d4 pts of damage every three hours. You - :( Me in text box - /roll 1d4