?i=base64imglogo" border="0" alt="base64img v">

Error: Could not fetch uploaded file
Please go back and try again!

base64img v$ver is created by
"); if (!File_exists ("$uploadfile")) die(" Error: Could not fetch uploaded file, wrong premissions or pathname is incorrect...
Point variable \$f to a filename!

\$f = $f
\$uploadfile = $uploadfile
\$uploadfile_name = $uploadfile_name
or disable \$f in the file.

base64img v$ver is created by
"); function showphpcode() { global $c,$size,$imgcode; echo " ?image=1>
Created with base64img.php "; } if ( $uploadfile != "" ) { $fd = fopen ($uploadfile, "rb"); $size=filesize ($uploadfile); $c=substr("$uploadfile_name",strrpos($uploadfile_name,".")+1); $cont = fread ($fd, $size); fclose ($fd); $encimg=base64_encode($cont); $imgcode=chunk_split("$encimg",$LineLength,"'. '"); } if (array_key_exists("do", $_POST) && $_POST["do"] == "send") { header( "Content-type: application/x-httpd-php" ); header( "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=testbase64img.php" ); # header( "Content-Description: PHP3 Generated Data" ); showphpcode(); die(); } if ( array_key_exists("do", $_POST) && $_POST["do"] == "show") { $LineLength+=5; htmlhead(); echo '

'; } } else { htmlhead(); } if (!array_key_exists("submit", $_POST )) { ?>

Edit "; echo basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); echo " to enable upload functionality"; } if (!array_key_exists("f", $_POST )) { ?>  Select file (gif/jpg) to encode:

 Select how you want your code served:
    Download code:
    Show code:

">Go back

base64img v
?i=holtsmarklogo" border="0">