How to fix: 1.C:\\Documents and Settings\\[your account name]\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Windows Live Contacts\\[MSN address]\\real\\ Go into there and delete the .Mecontact file. 2.C:\Document and Settings\yourusername\Impostazioni Local \ Given Applications C:\Document and Settings\yoursername\Impostazioni Local \ Given Applications \ Microsoft Cancelled Folder MSN Messenger 3.C:/ Docs and settings Your user name Local settings App data Microsoft Messenger Here, either go into the e-mail folder it was used on, then delete the funny looking ones, or just delete the e-mail folder. vista 1. C:\Users\[user name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts Delete your email folder 2. C:\Users\[username]\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Messenger Delete your email folder