
New plugin: ColorNick - Printable Version

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New plugin: ColorNick by Mithrandir on 03-08-2004 at 04:58 PM

Hi everybody

I've just finished the first version of my first plugin: ColorNick.
It creates colored nicknames with:
- one color
- a gradient from Color 1 to Color 2
- a gradient from Color 2 to Color 1
- a central gradient: Color 1 -> Color 2 -> Color 1
- a central gradient: Color 2 -> Color 1 -> Color 2

The command is /xcolornick <nickname> ; it shows a dialog.
You can also find it in the "Plus! -> Plugin" menu. All is explained in the Readme, in the install program.

- the colors can be anything: ColorNick uses the classical Windows dialog to choose color.
- the color is set for the foreground of the entire nick (this will probably change in the future), but it's possible to select only letters and make them bold, italic or underline.
- if a gradient nick needs too much characters (>129), color tags are automatically deleted
- colors appear as you type (no need to click on a "preview" button...)
- two languages available: French (I'm French) and of course English.
- install / uninstall program: Uninstall (CNuninst.exe) is located in plugin's folder (C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! 2\Plugins).

- support of the background color / gradient
- possibility to choose what to color : the entire text or only the selection
- perhaps a "favorites" list of colored nicks and/or gradients?

-> Download: see attachment OR
(in this case you'll have to copy/paste it in the address bar, because Tiscali doesn't seem to accept direct links...)

If you have any suggestion or bug report, please email me (fabien at crespel dot net) or post in this thread.
I hope you will try & enjoy it !


RE: New plugin: ColorNick by Choli on 03-08-2004 at 05:51 PM

seems nice but it gives me this error:

an unknown error has happened (code 438) ColorNick may be unstable now; do you want to reload it?
the error was the object doesn't accept this property or method
yes | no

if i choose yes another error follows and if i choose no, nothing happens. in both cases it doesn't work

MSN Messenger 6.1.0207, Plus 2.54.74

wait, it works now (now is when I selected no (i haven't tested selecting yes)) maybe before I did a mistake typing /xcolornick

RE: New plugin: ColorNick by Mithrandir on 03-08-2004 at 08:28 PM

Well if it works now, and if the problem doesn't occur anymore, it's OK...
But I would like to know exactly when the error happened? Did you restart MSN after install? Did it crash right after typing /xcolornick ? or was it during loading ... ?

[note: updated ColorNick at -> Function name in the title of the error Msgbox to help solving problems]


RE: New plugin: ColorNick by Choli on 03-08-2004 at 10:56 PM

no. It happened while signing in... this afternoon i signed in twice and once I selected yes and the other one i clicked no. I haven't signed out since then. Tomorrow I'll do more test. I can't sign out now :)

RE: New plugin: ColorNick by CookieRevised on 08-31-2004 at 04:13 PM

ColorNick v2