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server load limit Meter by lylesback2 on 06-15-2004 at 02:13 AM

how about a chrono limit meter?

so it will show when not to bother with the forum, and when it's ok :)

RE: server load limit Meter by Choli on 06-15-2004 at 10:19 AM

nah, it'd add more load, and....

Originally posted by lylesback2
it will show when not to bother with the forum,
when you see the load message, you know there's much load and it's better not to browse the forums :P (usually from 17:00 to 22:00 GMT)
RE: server load limit Meter by Mnjul on 06-15-2004 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Choli
nah, it'd add more load, and....
Yeah..when server load is high, we shall not do extra things such as "insert this high load time and load precent into mysql table...". It does nothing but delay the time when the forums become usable.

This issue is currently being discussed among the administrators, so just don't worry :) A good thing it implies, at least, is that Patchou really did a good job on Plus! 3 so that there are so many satisfied Plus! users - more than for Plus! 2 ;)
RE: server load limit Meter by lylesback2 on 06-15-2004 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Mnjul
Patchou really did a good job on Plus! 3 so that there are so many satisfied Plus! users - more than for Plus! 2 
or is it bug reports coming back :P

i guess they COULD add it in... since starting july.. or late june, they move servers.  don't see why they can not move right now?
RE: server load limit Meter by wj on 06-15-2004 at 09:21 PM

Well, Were working on it, It's not a quick and easy thing, It involves some planning and alot of work. We'll keep everyone informed over the next few days as to whats going on.

RE: server load limit Meter by lylesback2 on 06-15-2004 at 09:28 PM

:D good news.  you guys really have alot of problems setting up servers don't you? lol mine took me a day to configure... things were loading by the end of the first day :)  must be one of those hard servers... 8-)

RE: server load limit Meter by wj on 06-15-2004 at 09:48 PM

But transfering a site this big without any downtime is a pain in the rear :-P Were trying to minimize downtime.

I can have a server, Built from scratch (buying parts included) and serving websites of this size running in under 3 hours. Transfering sites just takes more planning and access to the new servers.

RE: server load limit Meter by lylesback2 on 06-15-2004 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by wj
But transfering a site this big without any downtime is a pain in the rear  Were trying to minimize downtime.

I can have a server, Built from scratch (buying parts included) and serving websites of this size running in under 3 hours. Transfering sites just takes more planning and access to the new servers.
may i suggest something?

if it only takes.. maybe maximum 4 hours?  why can't it be done during night time?  or later in the night?

or even during the earily morning sat... maybe a saturday or sunday, since no one is really awake then, and won't notice and downtime then?  good idea / bad idea :S  just really hate this "server load limit has been reached" message...
RE: server load limit Meter by wj on 06-15-2004 at 10:34 PM

The forums are almost always being views by at least 40 visitors. IT's not just users from the US, but many users from other countries use this as well.

RE: server load limit Meter by Wabz on 06-15-2004 at 10:41 PM

Well in my opinion if you take a look at the stats page you'll be able to work out a specific day and time where hits are lowest  and do it then.  The hard bits finding a point to stop people posting to transfer the database accross!  BTW what size is the database? 

I'm sure regulars could cope with an hours down time if it meant all round improvements.  WJ you do a  great job.  I just hope you can keep it up for as long as these boards are around. 

RE: server load limit Meter by Choli on 06-15-2004 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by lylesback2
why can't it be done during night time? 
what night? mine or yours?:P note that when it's night where you live, it's afternoon somewhere in the earth and there are (and i say there are, not there may be) people viewing the forums at that moment. And it doesn't matter if it's monday or saturday, the downtime has to be as minimun possible and that can only be achieved doing a good planification of what has to be done and when.

Wj: Good work with the server.  Continue like until now. Hope all goes well when you update / change the server ;)
RE: server load limit Meter by Maddie on 06-15-2004 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Wabz
The hard bits finding a point to stop people posting to transfer the database accross!

That's the easy part IMO.
Just close the board before the move. ;)
The board was closed during the upgrade, so it ain't really gonna make much difference if it's closed just before the server move. :)

BTW wj, you are doing a great job (Y)
RE: server load limit Meter by lylesback2 on 06-15-2004 at 11:05 PM

closing the board and site for a few hours, at whatever time, people have no choice but to respect it right?  have a forward message to plus! lite?

if a site goes down because of DoS.. im sure it goes down longer then it will to move a form.

Originally posted by Choli
what night? mine or yours? note that when it's night where you live, it's afternoon somewhere in the earth and there are (and i say there are, not there may be) people viewing the forums at that moment
pick a few hours during the day when the forums recieve little users, and shut it down during that time, so it does not interfer with rush hour :)
Originally posted by wj
The forums are almost always being views by at least 40 visitors
40... last time i checked i seen 110 guest, 20 users :|
but minimum 40... that IS alot, but is it better then having a maximum of 150 users at a time, rather then 400 users at a single moment on the new forum???
RE: server load limit Meter by surfichris on 06-16-2004 at 07:39 AM

The database is easy, you copy it over then set the old forums to access the database on the new server :D

110, and 20 users is taken over a 15minute period of time.

More information will be posted in the coming days.

RE: server load limit Meter by fluffy_lobster on 06-16-2004 at 08:48 AM

tbh, the forums might as well have been down last night... it took me hours to get a single page because of the server load limit.

so that's the other approach you might want to take... wait until server load is going crazy, shut the forums and do the move without worrying about downtime :P  Most people wouldn't miss a thing.

RE: server load limit Meter by wj on 06-16-2004 at 03:20 PM

It will be moved as soon as our new server is ready (Thanks to the optional sponsor program)

We'll let everyone know what going on.