
autostatus vs personalized status - Printable Version

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autostatus vs personalized status by jeanie457 on 06-22-2004 at 09:27 AM

Hi, my problem is this :
I use the option "automatically change status after  aperiod of inactivity..." coz I consider it a very useful feature (Y)
BUT, it just doesn't cooperate with Personalized status :s
In Plus 2 the auto status was set automatically only when the status before was ONLINE, but with Plus 3 it changes no matter what the previous staus was----> auto status overrides my personalized one :s which of course is not useful at all, coz when I set my own status, leaving an auto message which I awnt ppl to read and I go away from comp, soon the auto status is set :/
An mine is the case about losing connection and relogging in automatically, I have wireless connection which is not super stabile :s
I like Plus 3, it's much cooler than version 2, but this thing with statuses was working better in previous version, so I wonder if it's possible to remove it.


RE: autostatus vs personalized status by Mnjul on 06-22-2004 at 09:31 AM

There is a registry entry to modify for you ;) :

Key: HKCU\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2\\Preferences ->  AutoAwayAlways
Value: 1
Description: Boolean value. If false (0), the "change status after x minutes" feature changes the status only when the user is currently Online or Idle.

RE: RE: autostatus vs personalized status by jeanie457 on 06-24-2004 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Mnjul
There is a registry entry to modify for you ;) :

Key: HKCU\Software\Patchou\MsgPlus2\\Preferences ->  AutoAwayAlways
Value: 1
Description: Boolean value. If false (0), the "change status after x minutes" feature changes the status only when the user is currently Online or Idle.

all I could find there was AutoAwayStatus, not exactly what you said, but I changed its value and it seems to work, so thaanks alot! :D:D

RE: autostatus vs personalized status by Mnjul on 06-25-2004 at 07:05 AM had to manually create that key if it wasn't found. Sorry that I forgot to say it :) AutoAwayAlways is different from AutoAwayStatus. :)