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CoolWebSearch by brfcw on 06-24-2004 at 10:57 PM

Im not sure if CWS is the sponsor program, but I'll create a new thread anyway! CWS is a particualrly harmful bit of ad-ware, that I got on my computer as REM14.exe after downloading MSGPlus! 3. It's only through sheer luck that my firewall noticed it! Can somebody tell me if it is the sponsor? Thanx!

RE: CoolWebSearch by Choli on 06-24-2004 at 11:01 PM

Hi, and welcome to the forums :wave:

The sponsor of plus is from C2Media. Anyway, try to uninstall messenger plus and restart your computer. If that CWT is still there you'll know for sure that that program is not the plus sponsor. You can get Adaware to remove it. In any case you can always install Plus again with or without the sponsor. It's your choice :)

Btw, the detailed instructions on how to remove the sponsor of plus are listed in

RE: CoolWebSearch by brfcw on 06-24-2004 at 11:04 PM

Yea ive already removed it! The problem was that the "Sponsor Accept/Reject Screen" looked like a terms of agreement for Msg+ itself, not a sponsor program! It would be a lot nicer if Patchou released 2 versions for download! 1 with, 1 without CWS! Thanx for the help!

RE: CoolWebSearch by Choli on 06-24-2004 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by brfcw
The problem was that the "Sponsor Accept/Reject Screen" looked like a terms of agreement for Msg+ itself, not a sponsor program
i know, but people should get used to read, and in the sponsor screen there's a clear text in bold that says "Sponsor agreement"

Originally posted by brfcw
It would be a lot nicer if Patchou released 2 versions for download! 1 with, 1 without CWS!
he won't do that.
Originally posted by brfcw
Thanx for the help!
noproblem ;)

[Image: free.jpg]
RE: CoolWebSearch by brfcw on 06-25-2004 at 12:54 AM

The adware installed with Msg+, REM14.exe, is a variant of CWS. Either that, or CWS is "piggy backing" off of your Msg+ download mirror. Is it just coincidence that 2 people using your program get the same thing happening when "installing partner software" ?? Maybe Patchou can reply and clear it all up!

RE: CoolWebSearch by Choli on 06-25-2004 at 08:30 AM

Originally posted by brfcw
Is it just coincidence that 2 people using your program get the same thing happening when "installing partner software" ??
2 people in more than 4 000 000 users of plus? Maybe you donwloaded a modified version of messenger plus from a dodgy mirror. Donwload from the official site ( ) and try again; of course after uninstall your current plus and remove the CWS.
RE: CoolWebSearch by CookieRevised on 06-25-2004 at 08:59 AM

Also note that the sponsor is a very stripped down and customized version of the normal C2Media-adware. It can't be compared to the normal (harmfull) adware programs from the same company...