
MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR - Printable Version

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MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by Nathan1 on 06-25-2004 at 12:39 PM

Hi all, i just went to get msn plus 3 and i didnt like it so i un-installed it

i went to reboot my computer, all went fine untill i signed into msn messenger it came up with

then MSN Messenger came up and said "you have been signed out because you signed in at another location" THEN WINDOWS MESSENGER COMES UP AND SAYS THAT TOO! I DONT EVEN USE WINDOWS MESSENGER ! 8o| NOW I GET SIGNED OUT EVERYTINE I GO ON MSN AND THEN I HAVE TO SIGN BACK IN AND ITS VERY ANNOYING 8o|


How do i stop it from signing me out? I had ZERO Problems before i installed this msn plus crap


RE: MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by Anubis on 06-25-2004 at 12:41 PM

This is an XP bug, its known its like Window Messenger runs silently, there is a program that disables this but I can't find it...

RE: MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by Nathan1 on 06-25-2004 at 12:43 PM

Thankyou for replying so Fast!!!

but i really need to fix this!

please keep me informated


RE: MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by bach_m on 06-25-2004 at 12:50 PM

this should work

RE: MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by Fraisie on 06-25-2004 at 12:52 PM

While Windows Messenger is running, disable it from starting automatically by going in the options in Tools, Options, Preferences, there is an option to stop it from running when you start your computer.

Also, it looks like you have installed the optionnal sponsors. To remove it, follow the instructions here.

RE: MSN PLUS 3 MAJOR ERROR by Nathan1 on 06-25-2004 at 12:56 PM


cheers bud that fixed it (Y)

thanks for all the help