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Forum Bug! by matty on 06-26-2004 at 06:39 PM

When there is a server load message appearing constantly and you manage to recieve a PM then the box will popup saying you have one, when you hit OK to read it you still get the server load message.

RE: Forum Bug! by Johnny_Mac on 06-26-2004 at 06:42 PM

Errr... Bug? ^o)

This just appears to me that you cant read the new PM because of the same problem. What would you like it to do, not tell you about the PM if your looking/refreshing a server load message?


RE: Forum Bug! by matty on 06-26-2004 at 06:48 PM

Originally posted by Johnny_Mac
Errr... Bug? ^o)

This just appears to me that you cant read the new PM because of the same problem. What would you like it to do, not tell you about the PM if your looking/refreshing a server load message?

Actually yes, because it will only put more strain on the server!

Also when it says you have new PMs shouldn't the Image only be blue if you have unread PMs

[Image: on.gif]
RE: Forum Bug! by Johnny_Mac on 06-26-2004 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Matty.
Actually yes, because it will only put more strain on the server!
Well if when you load the page its determind you have a new PM, then what will making a popup box do to the server? All the hard works been done already. But then to add your suggestion your going to have to add something that checks wether the user is veiwing the server load message or not. Which in turn will add more starin onto the server... so its kinda catch 22... :S

Originally posted by Matty.
lso when it says you have new PMs shouldn't the Image only be blue if you have unread PMs
No. :P
RE: Forum Bug! by fluffy_lobster on 06-27-2004 at 07:14 PM

I must admit, logging everyone in on every server load mesage must be counter-productive.  Yes, yes, I know that mods/admins are special and need constant access, but wouldn't it be better if they had a special cookie that forced the page to log them in or something?

RE: Forum Bug! by WDZ on 06-28-2004 at 05:41 AM

Originally posted by fluffy_lobster
I must admit, logging everyone in on every server load mesage must be counter-productive.
Well, I dunno... only a small number of queries are executed before the error kills the script, and the number of queries for guests is only 1 less. Some of those queries load the templates and themes necessary to display the error.

Of course, there could be an error page that doesn't require MySQL, but I'd only make that if we were really desperate. :p
RE: Forum Bug! by CookieRevised on 06-28-2004 at 12:08 PM

If I may mingle in the discussion :$ Many people ARE desperate because of the many serverload messages. I'm going to kick some but here I think, but since mods/admins can always access the forum, even with a serverload, you can't imagine how annoying this realy is!!!!!!

I (and some other very regulars) where on the point to leave the forums in all honesty, just because it is/was a living hell in a matter of speaking. You couldn't help anyone out, you see some occasional reply with wrong info, you wanna reply, you can't, etc... etc... You couldn't do a single thing (reporting spam) because *boom* serverload, .....

PS: But I've read that the new server is almost there, so... I'll patiently wait ;)

RE: Forum Bug! by fluffy_lobster on 06-28-2004 at 12:47 PM

Yeah, seeing as the new server is being configured as we speak, we might as well put up with it for just a bit longer... i reckon in the long term context of mybb, the point at which load detection kicks in and the way in which mods/admins override it could be improved to make the feature more efficient.  for those who don't have amazing people like wj :P